
DL type single suction multistage vertical centrifugal clean water pump Description: DL type pump is vertical, single suction, multi - stage and segment centrifugal pump, suitable for urban water supply and central heating system. For the conveyance of clean water and liquids having physical and chemical properties similar to that of clean water. DL type pump medium temperature is below 80℃, DLR type pump medium temperature is below 150℃. Parameters: flow Q 4.9 ~ 200 m3 / h head h 21.6 ~ 239 m model description: 80 dl20 x 4. Dlr20 (80 x 4) - inlet diameter (mm) 20-80 single-stage head (m) DL - DLR vertical multi-stage sectional centrifugal pump, vertical multistage sectional centrifugal pump hot water 4-4 level structure: pump for vertical installation, has a compact structure, low noise, cover an area of an area small, the characteristics of pump shaft seal for packing seal, mechanical seal. Rotation direction: From the motor end, the pump rotates in the reverse clock direction. Material of main parts: inlet section, middle section, outlet section, impeller and sealing ring of the over-flow parts of the pump are made of cast iron, and the shaft is made of high-quality carbon steel. Range: Complete supply of pumps and motors. When ordering, please indicate the material of main parts, if you have special requirements for pumps and motors, you can negotiate with our company about the technical requirements.

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