
DK type two - stage horizontal middle - open centrifugal pump Overview: DK pump is a two-stage horizontal open centrifugal pump, suitable for industrial and urban water supply and drainage, can also be used for agricultural irrigation and drainage. It is used to transport clean water and other liquids with physical and chemical properties similar to water at the temperature of -20 ~ 80℃. Range of parameters: flow Q 18 ~ 1368m3/h head h 100 ~ 360m model description: 40DK130 40-- outlet diameter (mm) DK- means multistage horizontal open type 130-- total head (m) structure: horizontal open type pump. The suction and discharge of the pump are located in the lower part of the pump shell below the open surface of the pump, and the horizontal position is in a vertical direction with the axis line on both sides. There is no need to remove the motor and pipeline during maintenance, so the operation is very convenient. The shaft is supported by rolling bearings and sliding bearings. The rolling bearings are lubricated by grease except for 100DK230 and 250DK240 pumps. 250DK360 pumps are lubricated by forced circulation of thin oil for sliding bearings (equipped with a dilute oil station). Pump shaft seal can be packing seal or mechanical seal. Direction of rotation: From the motor end, 250DK240 and 250DK360 type pumps rotate counterclockwise, that is, the suction is on the left and the discharge is on the right. The rest rotate clockwise. Main parts material: 250DK360 pump body, pump cover cast steel and cast stainless steel, other are cast iron. Complete range: complete supply pump, motor, base, check valve, gate valve. When ordering, please indicate the material of main parts, if you have special requirements for pumps and motors, you can negotiate with our company about the technical requirements.

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