
SLZ type single - stage double - suction vertical straight - connected centrifugal pump Overview: SLZ type centrifugal pump is vertical, single stage, double suction shell vertical center open, suitable for water supply and drainage pumps in factories, cities, mines, power stations, irrigation and water conservancy projects and other fields. The pump is for conveying clean water without solid particles or other liquids with physical and chemical properties similar to water. The medium temperature is 0 ~ 80℃ and the maximum allowable inlet pressure is 0.6mpa. Specification: 10SLZ-9 10 -- Suction diameter is divided by 25 (that is, the inlet diameter is 250mm) SLZ -- vertical single stage double suction axial central open type direct centrifugal pump 9 -- specific revolution is divided and integrated by 10 divisible number structure: the pump is installed vertically, suction inlet and outlet are in the horizontal direction. The separate surface of the pump body and pump cover is vertically separated on the center line of the shaft. During maintenance, it is not necessary to remove the inlet and outlet pipelines and motors. The pump cover can be uncovered and the rotor parts can be removed. The upper bearing of the pump is a rolling bearing lubricated with grease and equipped with a cooling chamber on the bearing body. The lower bearing of the pump is the guide bearing, lubricated and cooled by the water of the pump itself. Shaft seal adopts soft packing seal and mechanical seal. Direction of rotation: from the motor end to the pump, the pump rotates counterclockwise, that is, the removable pump cover facing the pump is the water inlet on the right and the water outlet on the left. Main parts material: the flow parts of the pump are cast iron, the guide bearing is tin bronze, the shaft is no. 45 steel. Complete range: complete supply pump, motor, pump support, coupling and motor bracket. When ordering, please indicate the material of main parts, if you have special requirements for pumps and motors, you can negotiate with our company about the technical requirements.

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