
XJ (Xiangjiang), XY (Xiangying) large single - stage double - suction horizontal open centrifugal clean water pump Overview: XJ and XY pumps are horizontal single - stage double - suction horizontal open centrifugal clean water pump, XY is developed by British Maper technology products. Suitable for large thermal power plants, mines, cities and farmland water supply and drainage projects. Used for conveying clean water without solid particles (abrasive) or other liquids with physical or chemical properties similar to water. The temperature of the liquid to be transported is not higher than 60℃. Parameter range: flow Q 2.0 ~ 6.47m3/s Head H 12.0 ~ 64.3m Model Description: XJ56 -- 28J, XY56 -- 16A XJ, XY -- means large horizontal single-stage double-suction horizontal open centrifugal pump; 56 -- the number of suction calibres divided by 25 (i.e., suction calibres of 1400mm); 28, 16 - pump speed is divided by 10 about integer; J - Mark of pump speed change; A (B, C) -- change mark of impeller diameter. Structure: XJ, XY horizontal open pump, suction and discharge pipe are horizontally arranged in the same straight line, the motor can be connected with either end of the pump shaft. Pump seal form for packing seal. XJ type pump with rolling bearing,XY type pump with sliding bearing, are lubricated with thin oil. Direction of rotation: From the motor end, XJ48-18 and XY pumps rotate counterclockwise, that is, the suction inlet is on the left and the discharge outlet is on the right; Xj56-23 and XJ56-28 pumps are clockwise, that is, the suction is on the right and the discharge is on the left. The impeller is cast iron, cast steel or stainless steel pump body, pump cover, seal ring is cast iron or cast steel shaft is high-quality carbon steel or stainless steel set Range: set supply pump and motor. When ordering, please indicate the material of main parts, if you have special requirements for pumps and motors, you can negotiate with our company about the technical requirements.

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