
Tubular pump Overview: type GZ series tubular pump is one of the traditional water pump, electric unit of updated products, the type pump inner shell can be immersed in water for a long time running, clean appearance, has a series of advantages, traditional unit can't compare with this type of pump is large flow, low head pump, suitable for more than 600 mm diameter, for farmland irrigation and drainage, industrial and mining the dock drainage, urban construction and power stations, especially suitable for used for urban flood control engineering, drainage engineering and drainage engineering, (special requirements can be designed separately), is widely used. It is used to transport clean water without solid particles or other liquids with physical and chemical properties similar to that of clean water at a temperature not exceeding 50℃. Parameters: flow Q: 1800-36000 m3 / h (0.5 ~ 10 m3 / s) head h: 1 ~ 13 m model description: 56 GZ - 3.7 - GP 56 - the name of the pump inlet diameter of 56 inches (1400 mm), GZ - 3.7 - tubular axial-flow pump design head m GP - duct line system installation (GK) of type opening open structure: tubular pump for the horizontal level installation, the installation't pool under the water, when starting without water filling operation. The pump shell is composed of a double cylinder, the motor and gear reduction box of the large pump are stored in the inner cylinder shell, and the water passage is between the inner and outer cylinders. Sometimes the motor and gear reduction box of the large and medium-sized pump are around, but also can be directly designed into a concrete flow passage; The pump from the suction end to the outlet end, the pipe layout of the bending part is very small, and with short pipe connection, pipeline loss is less, pump device comprehensive efficiency is relatively high. Water pump room belongs to the basement, so the moving parts is located in the upper water pump, pump can adopt sealed structure, therefore, the pump room environment clean, the major parts material: impeller: ZG310-570 / ZG1Cr13Ni1 ZG0Cr13Ni4Mo impeller room: ZG1Cr13 pump casing: cast iron complete range: supply of complete sets of pump, motor, import and export expansion joints. When ordering, please specify impeller material. If you have special requirements for pumps and motors, you can negotiate with the company about technical requirements.

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