
HB, HBF mixed flow pump Overview: HB, HBF pumps are cantilever mixed flow pumps. HB type pump is used for farmland drainage and industrial pumping. The maximum temperature of medium does not exceed 80℃. HBF type pump for chemical pumping corrosive liquid, medium temperature is -20 ~ 105℃. Parameters: flow Q 696 ~ 6480 m3 / h head h 7.6 ~ 19.7 m model description: 10 HBF - 40 ia 10 - pump suction diameter is 25 except (that is, the suction diameter is 250 mm) HB - hanging posture mixed flow pump, the pump flow components F 40 - material is cast steel or cast stainless steel pump than the revolution be divided exactly by 10 A few - I change A pump out direction - change the structure of the impeller diameter: pump intake are located in the center, axial level out. Pump export levels, vomit vomit direction one on the left side (such as 10 hb (HBF) - 40), one on the right side (such as 10 hb (HBF) - 40 Ⅰ). The pump adopts ball bearing, lubricated with grease, and the shaft seal is packing seal. Rotation direction: from the suction direction of the pump, the pump is rotating counterclockwise. Main parts material: HB pump flow parts material for cast iron. HBF type pump flow component material for cast steel, cast stainless steel. Complete range: complete supply of motor or diesel engine, coupling, base and gate valve. Please indicate the material of the main parts when ordering, if you have special requirements for pumps and motors, you can negotiate with the factory about the technical requirements.

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