
IFMZ screw pump Summary: IFMZ screw not plugging type pump, is my company to introduce Japan Ren original production by advanced technology developed on the basis of a new generation of no blocking by the pump, wide spectrum range, high efficiency, no blocking by the strong, safe and reliable, etc, can be widely used in conveying the pulp, waste, waste water and various kinds of mixed liquid containing short fibers. The temperature of the medium is 0℃ ~ 80℃, and the allowable inlet pressure is not higher than 0.7MPa (7.1 KGF /cm2). Range of parameters: flow Q 18 ~ 1425m3/h head H 5.4 ~ 68m Model Description: 100×100IFMZ -- h 100 -- suction diameter mm 100 -- discharge diameter mm (the same as the suction diameter is not indicated) IFMZ -- screw non-plugging pump H -- head code. Structure type: the pump is installed horizontally, inhaled horizontally, discharged upward from the center, and supported by the feet of the pump body. The pump is of rear drawing structure. During maintenance, there is no need to remove the pipes at the suction inlet and outlet. Shaft seal type adopts packing seal or mechanical seal according to user's requirement. Direction of rotation: The pump rotates clockwise when viewed from the motor end. Main parts material: generally gray cast iron, but also according to the user needs to choose other materials. Complete range: complete supply pump, motor and base. When ordering, please indicate the material of impeller and sealing ring. If you have special requirements for pumps and motors, you can negotiate with the company about technical requirements.

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