
FVQ self - priming eddy current non - blocking pump Overview: FVQ self-priming eddy current non-plugging pump is the latest series of products developed by our company based on the advanced technology of Ebara Corporation, Japan. It has the advantages of high efficiency and non-clogging. It is suitable for conveying sewage liquid containing suspended solids and fibrous fabrics (such as plastic products, cloth strips, nylon, wood chips, bones, feces, etc.). The diameter of solid particles is not greater than the discharge diameter, and the length of fiber is not greater than 5 times of the discharge diameter. The temperature of the medium is 0 ~ 40℃, and the maximum suction height of self-absorption is 3m. Pump inlet pressure shall not be higher than 0.6mpa. Description: 50FVQ-E5× 1.550 -- suction diameter 50mm, discharge diameter 50mm, FVQ -- self-priming eddy current non-blocking pump E -- impeller size code E, 5 -- frequency 50Hz, 1.5 -- motor output power 1.5KW. Structure: the self-priming vortex non-blocking pump is a single-stage single-suction horizontal type, the impeller is a vortex type, the inlet is higher than the axis center line horizontal suction, the outlet is vertical upward. The shaft seal is mechanically sealed, the bearing is dustproof rolling bearing, lubricated with thin oil. Direction of rotation: The pump rotates clockwise from the motor end. Main parts material: generally gray cast iron, but also according to the user needs to choose other materials. Complete range: complete supply pump, motor and base. When ordering, please indicate the material of impeller and sealing ring. If you have special requirements for pumps and motors, you can negotiate with the company about technical requirements.

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