
FN type fused urea pump Overview: FN type molten urea pump is a single stage single suspension type centrifugal pump, suitable for chemical fertilizer plant, used to transport molten urea liquid, but also can be used to transport other corrosive liquid without suspended particles. Medium temperature allowed 120℃ ~ 150℃. Inlet pressure shall not be higher than 0.6mpa. Parameter range: flow Q 4 ~ 72m3/h head H 67 ~ 137m Model Description: 65FN -- 40A 65 -- suction diameter of pump 65mm FN -- fused urea pump 40 -- discharge diameter of pump 40mm A -- change of impeller outer diameter 50FN -- 32IA 50 -- suction diameter 50mm FN -- fused urea pump 32 -- discharge diameter 32mm I -- first improvement. A - Change of impeller outer diameter. Structure: FN type pump is installed horizontally, horizontal axial suction, radial top discharge, pump body foot support, the rotor is drawn from the back of the pump body. The front side of the pump body has an insulation jacket, which can be filled with 0.6mpa, 170℃ steam insulation. The counterbalance rib on the back of the impeller balances the axial force. The bearing is a rolling bearing, and the shaft seal can be packed or mechanically sealed. Direction of rotation: The pump rotates clockwise from the motor end. Main parts material: flow parts material is ZG1Gr18Ni9. Complete range: pump and motor, public base matching supply. When ordering, please indicate the material of main parts, if you have special requirements for pumps and motors, you can negotiate with our company about the technical requirements.

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