
IY type single - stage single - suction oil centrifugal pump Description: Single-stage single-suction centrifugal pump of type IY for conveying non-corrosive oil and petroleum products without solid particles and with an stoke of less than 120 centistatics on the statics at a temperature of -20 ℃ to 80℃, with an allowable import pressure of 0.6MPa. Specification: IY100-65JR -- 200 IY-- Single stage single suction centrifugal pump 100-- suction inlet diameter (mm) 65-- discharge outlet diameter (mm) J-- means speed reduction Use R-- 200-- Impeller nominal Diameter (mm) from suction end Pump for horizontal installation, horizontal axial suction, discharge direction is divided into R, L, T three kinds, from the suction end, discharge outlet to the right, left, up, pump suspension structure, maintenance does not need to remove the inlet and outlet pipelines, can exit the rotor parts for maintenance. The shaft seal is sealed with soft packing. The bearings are single row radial ball bearings, lubricated by lubricating oil. Direction of rotation: The pump rotates clockwise from the motor end. Main parts material: flow parts material is generally ordinary gray cast iron. Complete range: complete supply pump, motor, common base, coupling, etc., also provide check valve, gate valve. When ordering, please indicate the material of main parts, if you have special requirements for pumps and motors, you can negotiate with our company about the technical requirements.

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