
DG type industrial steam boiler feed pump Overview: The feedwater pump of DG industrial steam boiler is a single-suction, multi-stage segmental centrifugal pump; This series of pump is a new series of industrial steam boiler, which is suitable for high efficiency and energy saving. Medium temperature: -20 ~ 105℃, pump inlet pressure shall not exceed 0.59MPa(6kGF /cm2). Parameters: flow Q 1.5 ~ 78 m3 / h head h 73 ~ 450 m model description: DG5-27 x 3 DG - single suction, multi-stage boiler feed pump 5 - flow (m3 / h) 27, single-stage pump head (m) 3 - pump series structure: DG type pump suction and discharge nozzles are vertical, the pump rotor bearing for rolling bearing, grease lubrication, axial thrust balance structure of balance disc. Shaft seals may be packed or mechanically sealed. Direction of rotation: The pump rotates clockwise from the motor end. Main parts material: pump flow parts material for cast iron. Range: This series pump supply motor, check valve, gate valve, common base. The customer can negotiate with the company for special material requirement when ordering.

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